Chicken Noodle Soup, also sometimes called a Chicken Stew, is a very popular dish made from egg noodles (mostly) and chicken.
The preparation is popular for its light and pleasing taste and a range of health benefits that have been associated with it. In addition, the soup is a comfort food and a popular snack as well.
In various countries, Chicken Noodle Soups are a very filling and wholesome preparation and not just a part of the main course, but a whole main course by themselves.

Here are 60 of the most delicious chicken noodle soup recipes we found on the internet.
Asian Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Food Thoughts To Share]
Asian-Inspired Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Culinary Cool]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Cavegirl Cuisine]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Dimples And Delights]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Foodie Misadventures]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Huffington Post]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Local Food Rocks]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Real Food Tastes Good]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Redbook]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Smitten Kitchen]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Table For Two Blog]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: The Daily Muse Blog]
Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Warm Snug Fat]
Chicken Noodle Soup With Ginger Recipe
[Source: Mama’s Blissful Bites]
Classic Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Cook Like A Champion]
Classic Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Toronto Cooking]
Comforting Low-Carb Dijon Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: LC One Day]
Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Kitchen Meets Girl]
Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Mandy’s Recipe Box]
Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Real Mom Kitchen]
Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: The Kitchen Witch Blog]
Crock Pot Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Domestic Bliss Squared]
Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Worth The Whisk]
Curry Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Wobisobi]
Easiest Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: The Morning Fresh]
Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: The Kitchn]
Easy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Simply Scratch]
Grammie’s Immune Boasting Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Brighton Your Health]
Grandma Betty’s Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Eat 80 20]
Hearty Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Greatist]
Hearty Turkey/Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Chew Out Loud]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: A Cup of ESP]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Ashley’s Cooking Adventures]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Bashful Bao]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Castles And Carriages]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Honey Bee’s Recipes]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Little Magnolia Kitchen]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Noel’s Kitchen Tips]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Pidge’s Pantry]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Standard of Elegance]
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup With Egg Noodles Recipe
[Source: Work Save Live]
Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Dash Recipes]
Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Hot Eats And Cool Reads]
Indonesian Soto Ayam (Chicken Noodle Soup) Recipe
[Source: Rasa Malaysia]
Merlin’s Favorite Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Rube Cook]
Mom’s Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Sarcastic Cooking]
Mom’s Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: The Artful Gourmet]
Mom’s Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: The Fitness Dish]
Paleo Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: B-eing Paleofabulous]
Paleo Chicken Noodle Soup with Gluten-Free Paleo Breadsticks Recipe
[Source: Julian Bakery]
Quick Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Bake Your Day]
Shaker Chicken and Noodle Soup with Biscuits Recipe
[Source: King Arthur Flour]
Shanghai Meets Provence Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Cupertino Patch]
Shortcut Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: A Year At The Table]
Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Six Sisters Stuff]
Spicy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: My Kitchen Adventures]
The Best Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: A Healthy Life For Me]
Traditional Gluten-Free Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Rebalance Life]
Vegan Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: That Was Vegan]
Vegetarian Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe
[Source: Oh My Veggies]
And here are some chicken noodle soup recipes from our readers:
Roxanne (The Roxx Box) made some delicious homemade chicken noodle soup from leftover shredded chicken breast and chicken stock, proving that you don’t need a lot of ingredients to make chicken noodle soup taste great:
Do you know of other chicken noodle soup recipes that deserve to be on this list? Please share by leaving a comment!
Cavegirl Cuisine
Thank you so much for the shout-out! 🙂
Much appreciated,
Cavegirl Cuisine
You’re welcome! Thanks for the great recipe! 🙂
Katie B. (
Thanks for the love! There are some fantastic soup recipes in this list, I appreciate the inclusion. 🙂
You’re welcome Katie! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Thanks for including me in your 60 best chicken soup recipes! Love this selection of soups – I will have to try some for sure.
You’re welcome Cindy! Love your blog!
Amber @ Mama's Blissful Bites
You made my day seeing one of my recipes on your site! THANK YOU! I posted to my FB page to share your site as well. Thank you! Thank you!
You’re more than welcome! I love your recipe and easy step-by-step instructions! 🙂
Love your list. Here is a favorite I’ve made that’s posted on my blog:
The Food Explorer
Hi Roxanne,
I love your recipe, it looks really easy to make and delicious. I have added it to the list. Thanks for contributing! 🙂
Mary @BrightonYourHealth
Thanks for including “Grammie’s Immune Boasting Chicken Soup” recipe on your list! A big honor and my grandma is smiling down too. Thanks.
The Food Explorer
You’re welcome Mary! Your grandma surely had great taste!
*squeal* I can’t believe my recipe is on here!! I had no idea, I was just flipping through some of my traffic sources… I am so honored, thank you so much for including me! This makes me week 🙂
The Food Explorer
You’re welcome April! We love your version of this recipe!